December Update
We have lots of good news to share with you!
First, the December fifth meeting went very well, we had a great number of attendees, some regulars and some new. The next meeting will be January 2nd same place, same time (Phoenix Café, 24918 John R Rd, Hazel Park, MI 48030 @ 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM). We will also have a second meeting on January 9th to gather people to hit the streets to get the attached poster into as many public spaces as possible. The meeting place for this initiative will be announced at the January 2nd meeting.
If you are not on the main local chapter email list please send a request to be added to:
Please don’t hesitate to email us at any time if you have any ideas about promoting The Movement or the ZMF Film, no need to wait for the meetings!
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Update:
Everything is confirmed! The Royal Oak Main Art Theater has the movie programmed into their system; therefore, pre-sale tickets are available! I already bought twenty tickets to sell to friends, family, co-workers, etc... We suggest that you do the same!
Also, the price has been lowered to $5.00 per ticket in an effort to increase the turnout of the screening.
We are on the ZMF global map, check it out:
The autonomous, non-profit, theatrical release of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward is taking shape in an unprecedented way across the world. As of Dec.9th, there are over 100 locations screening in 24 languages across 32 countries starting Jan. 16th... and there were 5 weeks left to go.
Thank you to all who have donated, the members of the local chapter have been very generous. We still have more to do though, which of course costs money… The next monetary goals all relate to the printing and distribution of the promotional poster (if you don't have a copy please email a request for a digital copy that you can print). If you can print some out that’s great, if you can’t and would rather donate funds for printing that’s great too. If you cannot do either but would like to help out please join us at the meeting Jan 2nd to get some of the printed copies to distribute in your neighborhood.
There is going to be a tech screening of this film at an unannounced date and time prior to Jan 20th. If you would like to be one of the first five people to see the movie and to be present at the tech screening here’s your chance. The individual(s) that donate the most funds to the local chapter before January 2nd will be able to sit in on the tech screening. You can donate in person at the meetings, on the local chapter website ( using the chip-in widget, or by mailing your donation to PO BOX 9, New Baltimore, MI 48047. The winner(s) will be announced at the meeting on Jan 2nd.
Please don’t forget to get your tickets early as the box office has already sold quite a few. It’s looking like this event will sell out!
Don’t hesitate to email with any thoughts, questions, and/or concerns.
We wish a safe and happy holiday season & New Year to you and yours!
This Sunday's Meeting / Screening Rally
It’s an exciting time in The Movement! We have very high expectations for the screening of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward showing at the Royal Oak Main Art Theater on January 20th @ 7:00 PM (ET)! Don’t forget the next meeting is this Sunday at the Phoenix Café, in Hazel Park (24918 John R Rd, Hazel Park, MI 48030) @ 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
As members and coordinators it’s time to pitch in and lend a hand. To help the cause we have the following initiatives that we need assistance with:
1) Poster printing and posting. Please print out the poster sent out in the group email or posters and flyers from the selections at Post them around your community in the right coffee shops, bookstores, community centers, college campuses, and on community bulletin boards. If you do not use the attached flyer, we recommend attaching a simple flyer at the bottom of your poster with the basic details about the event. Leave a stack of flyers at appropriate local businesses and ask if you can place a mini-poster in their window. Try video stores, coffee shops, restaurants, community centers, barbershops/salons, schools, campuses, and anywhere else that your audience likes to hang-out. You can also try placing an ad on local bus systems, on school shuttles, and similar places. Distribute flyers at events with similar themes prior to your event.
2) Social Media. Social networks like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter have become hugely important in reaching certain audiences, and can be especially useful when there’s a Facebook or MySpace group connected to a specific local community such as a university, local organization, etc. We have the event page that you can find at:!/event.php?eid=176169042410210 If you have the ability, pleas create your own event page, it’s very easy! You can also embed the ZMF trailer on your website, Facebook, MySpace along with your local screening details. We suggest setting up an “event” and inviting members of your community to forward and distribute the event information to friends. You can also just send a message with the event information to your friends and to groups that might be interested, including links to the website as well as the gateway at The closer you get to the premiere date, the more advertising needs to be in place. Utilize your FB and YouTube and Newsletters to the maximum during the last days before the premiere.
3) Burn DVD’s. We are in need of Zeitgeist: Addendum DVDs. If you have the ability to burn the DVDs you can find free downloads (Bit Torrent) at We plan on giving away these DVDs at the screening for a small recommended donation.
4) T-Shirts. We would like to make some t-shirts to give away at the screening for small donations. If anyone has made or can look into making T-Shirts you can go to for t-shirt designs and ideas. There are companies such as: that offer pretty reasonable prices on t-shirts.
5) Donate to the cause. We have a widget located above this post that you can use to easily donate. Even if you’re donating one dollar it all adds up! There are over one hundred “members” of this movement in the state. If everyone donated $5.00 this would cover a lot of the venue costs. If you would prefer to send a check instead of donating online please send any donations to: “Sean M” @ PO Box 9, New Baltimore, MI 48047. Thank you in advance for your donations and support.
6) Come to the meetings. We need as much input as possible on how we can be more effective in our efforts. The next meeting is this Sunday at the Phoenix Café, in Hazel Park (24918 John R Rd, Hazel Park, MI 48030) @ 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM. Please join us, all are welcome!
7) Make sure you get your ticket for the film! Tickets will go on pre-sale from the Royal Oak Main Art Theater no later than late next week. Select Zeitgeist Movement members will also have some tickets for pre-sale after next week. Please rally all of your friends, family, co-workers, whoever and get them to commit to joining us for the viewing of this film!
Thank you for being part of the local chapter.
Zeiteist Moving Forward Venue & Location Confirmed, Chip In Widget
We have confirmed the Royal Oak Main Art Theater, January 20th, 7:00PM (ET), for the screening of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.
We have created the below widget to attempt to gain some funding for the venue cost and promotional materials. The venue is $785 for four hours and the promotional materials (Posters for venue, flyers for distribution) will cost $200.00+ (The posters are $150.00 themselves!).
If you have ever wanted to be a part of the Zeitgeist Movement here's your chance. Please donate what you can, with all of us pitching in a little we could pull off one amazing evening. As much as we are against the monetary system, unfortunately in today's world you need funds to pull off such an event. Please help by chipping in below!
If you are only willing to donate to support the up-front costs of the viewing we will return your donations once the screening is over, that is, if the viewing pays for itself. Please be aware that there is the possibility that you may not get your funds returned if this is the case. If the viewing does not pay for itself, but does make some money back, we can give back in proportion to how much we raised from the viewing.
Please email with any questions and remember next Sunday @ 12:30 PM is the next meeting at the Phoenix Cafe, Hazel Park, MI.
Please email with any questions and thank you for your support! :)
This Sunday (11/21/10) and Sunday Dec 5th, 12:30PM
The next Zeitgeist SE MI Chapter meeting will be this Sunday at the Phoenix Café in Hazel Park (24918 John R Rd, Hazel Park, MI 48030) @ 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM. The meeting after this Sunday will be Dec 5th same time, same place.
"Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" Screening Update-
As of this moment we have had many emails with RSVP's. That being said, we will be renting out a venue to screen the new film: "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" ( the venue to be announced once completely secured. The screening will most likely be on a weekday at 7PM and/or 9pm, from the dates of Jan 15-Jan 24, 2011. The exact date and time to be announced soon.
Even if you can't come to the meetings please do your part to spread the word. Place a post on your FaceBook announcing the movement, send out a few emails showing your friends the main website, every little bit helps! Were hoping to sell out the first event, which would allow us to have multiple screenings, with your help this is very possible!
There are a few great videos that you can use to spread the word, some of our favorites are:
The actual Trailer located at:
The Summary:
The Awakening:
More to come,
The New Film (ZMF) & This Sunday's Meeting
It’s time to hit the polls! No, we’re not talking about wasting your time voting for politicians, it’s time to get a count of attendees for the new Zeitgeist film screening in the Metro Detroit Area (!!
We have begun the process of securing the venue for the Zeitgeist Moving Forward screening mid January. We have what we believe to be the optimum setting for this film, and now we need your help!
If you ever thought: “I’d like to get more involved with the Zeitgeist Movement”, then now is the time to prove it, this is a call to arms!
We need to get as accurate of a count of attendees as possible. That being said, we have set up a poll on the top of this site: We are asking you to please go to the top of this site and vote on the poll at the top. Only individuals that have signed up to “follow” this blog can vote, and you can only vote once. The deadline for this poll will be Nov 13th, this should give everyone plenty of time to log on and vote. We are going to count one vote to equal three people, since most people can get at least two of their friends / family / co-workers / acquaintances to join them for the film. If you know for sure that you can get more than three people please just send us an email ( rather than using the poll.
If for whatever reason you can not vote or would rather just reply via email please do so ( When you reply please note not only that you’re interested, but also how many people you realistically believe you could get to join you.
Once we have an idea of the attendance we will then either rent the facility out for one evening, or if there is enough interest we will be able to run the film multiple times in the month of Jan.
If you have any involvement or experience in the independent film world and have any thoughts about this screening please send us an email.
Remember that the next meeting is this Sunday at the Phoenix Café; we hope to see the biggest turnout so far!
So, let the polling begin!
Thank you very much,
Chapter Update & Nov 7th Meeting
Again we offer our apologies for the lack of communication over the past few months. We hope everyone has been busy spreading the awareness of the Movement independently. At the end of the day that’s what this is all about, each of us doing our part to make as many people aware of this Movement, and the Venus Project tenants, as we possibly can.
As some of you may have heard Peter Joseph is releasing the third Zeitgeist Movie in January 2011. Outside of the continuous awareness spreading which was our main goal we now have our work cut out for us. We plan on screening the movie in at least one location in the Detroit Metro area. This will take plenty of time and resources for everyone involved to organize and promote. If you want to get involved there’s no better time than now!
So, time to get to work!
We will be holding a meeting at the Phoenix Café in Hazel Park (24918 John R Rd, Hazel Park, MI 48030) on Sunday November 7th @ 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM.
This meeting will discuss the past, present, and future of the S.E. MI Local Zeitgeist Movement Chapter. We will also post the topics discussed at the meeting on the blog in case you can’t make it.
There will be many items to announce before the meeting, so expect a few updates after this one.
In the mean time, make sure to listen to the new Peter Joseph radio addresses @ The most important radio addresses to listen to are the most recent lectures, which there will be eight total, three of which are available for download immediately.
September Update
Our apologies for the lack of communication over the past few months. We have been concentrating on defining our goals and finding possible sources of funding for the local chapter. On that note we do have some possible sources of funding to assist in the production of awareness spreading tools. We will have a meeting in the near future, the date and location is yet to be determined.
After this brief hiatus we are more motivated than ever to get the word out, especially with the new movie right around the corner.
Please stay tuned and thank you for your patience and understanding.
The next meeting is: June 6th, 12:00 PM @ the Innate Healing Center
We have had this Sunday’s Zeitgeist meeting planned at the Phoenix Café for some time now, but something has come up, the location is changing.
Some of you may or may not know our friend
Hans is hosting an event that is an attempt to galvanize the spirit, vision and citizenship of our city this Sunday, which is actually a second attempt for decent weather. The first event was last weekend, but it was rained out. The second is this weekend, this Sunday June 6th, 12:00PM, the details are below.
We have chosen to move the Zeitgeist meeting to Hans’s event. Of course the format of the meeting will be greatly relaxed due to the fact that we will be there mainly to support Hans’s event, but we can talk amongst ourselves throughout the event. There will be plenty of time to casually talk about what is on our minds before and after the filming of the speech below. And as a bonus our numbers will be there to help support a good friend that has supported us greatly. The more people the better!
Please email with any thoughts, we apologize if this creates any inconvenience for anyone.
We hope you can still make it to the meeting, just make sure you go to the following addres:18700 Woodward! s AT 12:00 and NOT THE
| Innate Healing Center |
| 18700 Woodward |
| |
Thank you, | |
Sunday Brunch/Video Shoot
| |
| |
Location: | Innate Healing Center |
Street: | 18700 Woodward |
City/Town: | |
We tried to do this on Memorial Day and got rained on... so we're trying again! This is an open invitation to any and all metro Detroiters to participate in the making of an internet video production meant to galvanize the spirit, vision and citizenship of our city.
Telling a story through images of Detroit and a speech by
The actual numbers of folks we get to show up will matter to the effectiveness of the production, so we need everyone we can get to come out this Monday!!
All ages, free to attend, food available, drumming/jam sessions, good times. RAIN OR SHINE.
Here is the speech. I will perform it to the music for all who show up on Sunday:
My name is Hans Christopher Barbe and I am a citizen of metro
Civic responsibility calls us to a way of life in harmony with one another and our planet. Generations past shaped our present way of life, which shapes future generations: every choice we make, every relationship we form, how we eat and maintain ourselves, work and play, celebrate and mourn, contemplate and communicate in so much as to know peace, inside and out, everything we do matters.
As citizens of metro
This summer, a weeklong gathering of some twenty-thousand grassroots activists, organizers, workers, thinkers, visionaries and leaders from across the
Understanding that the truest fulfillment of human potential is inextricably tied between us all as a matter of our faith in one another, Detroiters are working together to consciously improve circumstances, enough to have inspired this same faith the world over. Our city, having ascended the very height of industrial revolution and suffered the great depth of working-class struggle, emerges now with the civic resolve to meet its post-industrial evolution.
In this name, we as citizens are forging the example of a society rooted in the spirit of brotherhood, a common destiny that transcends race, color and creed, manifesting what Martin Luther King dreamed would flourish: the “Beloved Community.” April 4th, the date of his assassination, was reclaimed this year by Easter Sunday, reflecting a powerful message:
As martyrs, both King and Christ embodied the notion that neither fear nor threat of death can keep the enduring force of love within us all from creating our world in its true image. This image exposes the pitiful, profit-obsessed outlook propagating from corrupt, corporatist culture as a lie unto itself and to the masses: the emperor has no clothes. We are not meant to reduce our lives, our laws and our labor to serve only so much as a dollar bill. We are not content to sell our souls to the notion that greed and fear are forces great enough to compel us to serve anything less than our human beings.
Hundreds of community gardens providing food and fellowship; dozens of artist and music collectives organizing entire festivals; volunteer corps for literacy training, property restoration and healthcare, sprouting like the plants in the cracks of our pavement are proving all we have to give.
It is in our abilities, our possibilities and responsibilities that we find the way forward, so again my name is Hans Christopher Barbe and I am many things: I'm a young man, a musician, a performer, a teacher, community organizer, small business owner, activist and an aspiring politician as a candidate for the Michigan Senate. I’m the son of two parents, brother of three siblings, friend of many, enemy of a few, lover of all, person of faith, resident of Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan and I am a citizen of metro Detroit!
The group next meeting, this Sunday May 2nd (3:00 PM)
Sorry for the delay of this post.
The next meeting is this Sunday at the Phoenix Cafe (
24918 John R. Rd. (John R., just south of ten mile, east side of the road, park in back)
Hazel Park, MI 48030
There will be two meetings, the first being the core group meeting from 2:00 - 3:00. The second meeting (starting at 3:00) being an introduction, the screening of a relevant short film, a conclusion, and a round table discussion / Q & A period.
Anyone is welcome to join either meeting, but if you are new to the group and are going to attend the core group meeting please be aware that there is a format that we follow very strictly with no room for tangents. We will ask that you save any thoughts until the open discussion after the film screening.
Please feel free to email with any questions / comments / concerns.
We hope that you can still attend the meeting even with the short notice, once again our apologies.
The next meeting is Sunday the 11th of April @ 1:00PM
Correction! there was an issue securing the Phoenix Cafe for this Sunday March 28th, therefore, we are going to delay the next meeting until Sunday April 11th.
The next meeting is Sunday April 11th, 1:00 PM @ The Phoenix Cafe in Hazel Park (
A few of us will be getting together this Sunday to talk about ideas outside of the Phoenix. Please email or call if you would be interested in joining us.
No matter if we are meeting or not, keep in mind that we need to keep active every day! You have plenty of time to prepare, write down some thoughts and let's see some of your ideas brought to the table during the meeting!
Please join us for a family friendly day of food, fun,
enlightenment, entertainment, and hope for the
future of humanity!
Where: The Phoenix Café ( 24918 John R Rd, Hazel Park, MI
When: Sat, March 13th, 12:00 PM - ?
Websites: Local blog:
Main RSVP site: (please RSVP!);
Z-Day SE Michigan is an event dedicated to the distribution of
information and philosophies of the Venus Project.
12 - 1: Reception
1 - 2: "What is the SE MI Zeitgeist Movement" Presentation
2 - 5: Media center / workshop browsing, Zeitgeist Addendum Screening, socializing
5 - ?: Live entertainment, more socializing!
This event will consist of: A presentation titled: “What is the SE MI Zeitgeist Movement?”; Multiple areas for you to view related media; What you can do or shouldn't do to help humanity; Living a more self sustainable life workshop; Performances by various local artists; Open mic session (please contact if interested in performing, registration is required); Food & drink; And much more…
(a small donation is suggested to attend this event; we promise you will not leave empty handed or minded!)
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Phoenix!
The Next Meeting, March 7th, 12:00 @ the Phoenix Cafe
The Next Meeting is March 7th, 12:00 @ the Phoenix Cafe.
The Phoenix Cafe is located at:
24918 John R Rd
Hazel Park, MI 48030
It’s time to get to work!
March 13th is right around the corner and time is of the essence!
We have emailed the final Z-Day poster. Please do what you can to get this onto as many hands or onto as many community information boards as possible. If you want us to re-send it to you or alter this to meet your needs (to be more or less P.C. for where you want to place it) then please let us know.
The Z-Day Agenda is tentatively as follows:
12:00 – 1:00 – Reception
1:00 – 2:00 – Presentation
2:00 – 5:00 - Introduction & browsing of media stations & different workshops
5:00 - ? - Performances & open mic portion (all are welcome to perform if previously registered as a performer)
*If you would like to offer some style of performance (all styles are accepted) please send an email to or call (586) 295-6441 to register. Individuals that do not register prior to the event may not be able to perform, please register.
Speaking of Z-day we have some action items that we need your help with (other than distributing this poster) they are as follows:
We are in need of the following for Z-Day:
- Laptops with DVD players & headphones for the multiple media viewing stations. They will be heavily guarded and not operated by anyone but the owner of the piece of equipment (if present).
- Card tables / folding chairs
- Food donations (The food / drink for Z-Day will consist mainly of pot luck donated food / drink, unless more people show than expected, then we will order out with the proceeds earned)
Here is the Pot Luck link: Please donate!
- Helping hands the day of (set-up begins at 8 AM, see the last sentence if you’re serious about being involved)
Please either send an email or mention it during the meeting that you have any of the above to lend for the day.
If you are serious about attending and/or helping with this event please let us know via email, or at the meeting. This is an extremely large undertaking for the few that have been working on this so far, we need your help, please send an email, call me, or talk to us at the meeting, there’s plenty to do. What we put into this is proportionate to what we will get out of it.
The next meeting is this Sunday, 12:00 PM @ the Phoenix Café: (
It’s time to get motivated, time to get involved!
"We must become the change we want to see in the world"
Feb 7th meeting / Z-Day planning
The next meeting is THIS SUNDAY, Feb 7th, 1:30 PM at the
We will be discussing current awareness spreading initiatives and the preparation of Z-Day (March 13th. 12PM - ?,
Speaking of Z-Day, we proud to announce that we have secured a venue! The planning will be an ongoing task from this moment until March 13th. We are lacking unlimited resources to make this everything we want it to be (as of this moment), therefore, we need your help!
Some of the ways you can help are:
- Monetary donations
- DVD reproduction
- Graphic design
- Donating free time to do some legwork
- More options will be available during the meeting
The Z-Day event will tentatively consist of the following:
1) Awareness spreading activities the morning of, literally hitting the streets with pre-planned initiatives (We’ve got some great ideas that we will discuss during the next meeting).
2) A welcome / greeting time period where we can all get to know each other in a relaxed setting with food and drink.
3) The next items are still in the works but we would like to either have a screening of at least one of Peter Joseph’s lectures, most likely “where are we going” followed by a discussion of the day’s events and possible team building activities.
- More details to follow.
The quality of our local Z-Day will be directly proportionate to the amount of funds that can be raised prior to the event. Raising funds will be a main topic of discussion during the next meeting. If you would like to donate toward the local movement and / or Z-day immediately please send your donation payable to “Sean McPherson” to “
To all that have donated so far, thank you for your support it is very much appreciated!
We are looking forward to a very productive 2010, starting the year off with a grand Z-Day event will be the perfect fuel to get this momentum going!
Please let us know if you have any thoughts about any of the above.
Hope to see you this Sunday, if you can’t make it due to the short notice or a prior obligation we will be having another meeting February 28th at the Z-Day venue in
"It has to start some place, it has to start some time. What better place than here, what better time than now!?"
Dec 20th Meeting / Jan 17th Meeting
Our apologies for the delay in updating the site.
The next meeting is Jan 17th @ the Novi Public Library @ 1:00 PM.
The Dec meeting was more populated than expected, that being said we have a lot of work to do.
We discussed:
- Z-Day
- The USSF
- The Venus Project World Tour
- Online Meetings
- Zeitgeist Workshops
- The Mission Statement
- Related Media
- The Green Party
- The Open Source Ecology Movement
- Many other topics & great conversations in general
As mentioned above we have a lot of work to do. It is great to get together and discuss topics, but the main objective of these meetings is to spread awareness of this movement and the ideas within. To make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.
This is a giant undertaking, and it's just about impossible without YOUR involvement. This is a movement to get you, your friends, your family, your acquaintances, and everyone else in your life aware of what is possible through mass awareness.
The members of The Zeitgeist Movement are fully aware and confident that an abundance of food, housing, education, and energy is not an idealistic dream, but is completely feasible and desirable. We also understand that being critical of the current system without having an underlying vision and a potential direction and solution, is mere complaint. The Zeitgeist Movement offers both critique and possible solutions, as well as being open to other possibilities to improve life on earth.
We hope you will look into our movement and join our efforts in creating a more humane society.
We hope to see you in Novi MI on Jan 17th @ 1:00PM
Please email with any questions, comments, and/or concerns.
Until then,