Zeiteist Moving Forward Venue & Location Confirmed, Chip In Widget
We have confirmed the Royal Oak Main Art Theater, January 20th, 7:00PM (ET), for the screening of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.
We have created the below widget to attempt to gain some funding for the venue cost and promotional materials. The venue is $785 for four hours and the promotional materials (Posters for venue, flyers for distribution) will cost $200.00+ (The posters are $150.00 themselves!).
If you have ever wanted to be a part of the Zeitgeist Movement here's your chance. Please donate what you can, with all of us pitching in a little we could pull off one amazing evening. As much as we are against the monetary system, unfortunately in today's world you need funds to pull off such an event. Please help by chipping in below!
If you are only willing to donate to support the up-front costs of the viewing we will return your donations once the screening is over, that is, if the viewing pays for itself. Please be aware that there is the possibility that you may not get your funds returned if this is the case. If the viewing does not pay for itself, but does make some money back, we can give back in proportion to how much we raised from the viewing.
Please email with any questions and remember next Sunday @ 12:30 PM is the next meeting at the Phoenix Cafe, Hazel Park, MI.
Please email with any questions and thank you for your support! :)
This Sunday (11/21/10) and Sunday Dec 5th, 12:30PM
The next Zeitgeist SE MI Chapter meeting will be this Sunday at the Phoenix Café in Hazel Park (24918 John R Rd, Hazel Park, MI 48030) @ 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM. The meeting after this Sunday will be Dec 5th same time, same place.
"Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" Screening Update-
As of this moment we have had many emails with RSVP's. That being said, we will be renting out a venue to screen the new film: "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" (www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com) the venue to be announced once completely secured. The screening will most likely be on a weekday at 7PM and/or 9pm, from the dates of Jan 15-Jan 24, 2011. The exact date and time to be announced soon.
Even if you can't come to the meetings please do your part to spread the word. Place a post on your FaceBook announcing the movement, send out a few emails showing your friends the main website, every little bit helps! Were hoping to sell out the first event, which would allow us to have multiple screenings, with your help this is very possible!
There are a few great videos that you can use to spread the word, some of our favorites are:
The actual Trailer located at: http://www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com/
The Summary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rAQeBx22cU
The Awakening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAjFBsp__aE
More to come,
The New Film (ZMF) & This Sunday's Meeting
It’s time to hit the polls! No, we’re not talking about wasting your time voting for politicians, it’s time to get a count of attendees for the new Zeitgeist film screening in the Metro Detroit Area (www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com)!!
We have begun the process of securing the venue for the Zeitgeist Moving Forward screening mid January. We have what we believe to be the optimum setting for this film, and now we need your help!
If you ever thought: “I’d like to get more involved with the Zeitgeist Movement”, then now is the time to prove it, this is a call to arms!
We need to get as accurate of a count of attendees as possible. That being said, we have set up a poll on the top of this site: http://zeitmi.blogspot.com/. We are asking you to please go to the top of this site and vote on the poll at the top. Only individuals that have signed up to “follow” this blog can vote, and you can only vote once. The deadline for this poll will be Nov 13th, this should give everyone plenty of time to log on and vote. We are going to count one vote to equal three people, since most people can get at least two of their friends / family / co-workers / acquaintances to join them for the film. If you know for sure that you can get more than three people please just send us an email (zeitmi@gmail.com) rather than using the poll.
If for whatever reason you can not vote or would rather just reply via email please do so (zeitmi@gmail.com). When you reply please note not only that you’re interested, but also how many people you realistically believe you could get to join you.
Once we have an idea of the attendance we will then either rent the facility out for one evening, or if there is enough interest we will be able to run the film multiple times in the month of Jan.
If you have any involvement or experience in the independent film world and have any thoughts about this screening please send us an email.
Remember that the next meeting is this Sunday at the Phoenix Café; we hope to see the biggest turnout so far!
So, let the polling begin!
Thank you very much,