Friday, March 25, 2011

postheadericon Post Z-Day Update


Once again our apologies for the delay of this post Z-Day update.

As most of you know the event went great; lots of attendees, good food, conversation, presentations, etc… Thank you again to all of you that attended and/or presented (especially Rob that was a great presentation)!

As always, between meetings and events please help to spread the word. With all of the unrest worldwide these are ripe times to spread awareness. Please check out for a design of your choosing to share vie email and/or print. You can also make it your Facebook main pic for a day; or print it and leave it anonymously for an unsuspecting colleague / family member / friend to find. We also have PLENTY of DVD’s available, please send an email if you’d like us to mail some to you for a donation of your choosing (They cost us about $2.00 to make, so try and donate at least that amount per DVD).

The next local chapter meeting is April 3rd, (as always the first Sunday of the month) same place, same time (see below).

In the meantime the Phoenix Café and an organization called “The League of Revolutionaries for a New America” (LRNA) is hosting a focused discussion forum called “Reform vs. Revolution” this Saturday from 6 – 8 PM. Please read below for more information on the topic. We hope you can make it; this will be a ripe opportunity to spread the Zeitgeist movement's vision and network with open minded individuals.

LRNA is an organization with a similar analysis and vision as Zeitgeist that has also been regularly meeting at the Phoenix Cafe. They are hosting a focused discussion forum there on Saturday, March 26, 6-8pm, with a fundraiser/party afterwards featuring local musicians/poets. They are excited to network with members of the Zeitgeist movement and are actively encouraging our attendance and our ideas. The discussion forum is centered around the topic of "Reform vs. Revolution," examining both the economic and political crises, what to do about them and how to best focus our energy going forward. There is a suggested $5 donation for the fundraiser/party, which is a BYOB/potluck event and will run until at least midnight, so plan on a good time!

Event Facebook page:!/event.php?eid=190710674298856

Thank you for all you do!


The Zeitgeist Movement S.E. MI Chapter
MI State site:
S.E. MI Chapter site:
Main Venus Project site:
Main TZM Site: (Activist arm of the Venus Project)
Meetings every first Sunday of every month at the Phoenix Café @ 12:30 PM
24918 John R Rd
Hazel Park, MI 48030
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

postheadericon Pre-Z-Day 2011 Update


Happy Z-Week / Z-Month!

Zeitgeist Day (Z-DAY for short)
is almost upon us! In case you aren’t 100% familiar with Z-Day, it is an annual, global event day which occurs in the middle of March, each year. The goal is to increase public awareness of The Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project. If you are not familiar with the tenets and goals of The Zeitgeist Movement and its relationship to The Venus Project, please see the following information:

What is the Zeitgeist Movement?
What is The Venus Project?

We have been very busy planning the details; this is going to be a great time with lots of educational opportunities for everyone.

Please join us for this family friendly day of food, fun & enlightenment.

Z-Day SE Michigan is this Saturday March 12th 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM and will consist of the following:
♦ Multiple Individual presentations: “Why I Advocate the Zeitgeist Movement”
♦ Movement related presentations / speakers / literature / handouts
♦ Multiple areas for you to view Zeitgeist related media
♦ Performances by various local artists
♦ Zeitgeist related artwork
♦ Round-table discussion
♦ Zeitgeist Wearables
♦ Food & drink
♦ And more!

Location: 24918 John R Rd., Hazel Park, Michigan 48030.

The event is free, but we will be accepting suggested donations for various items to take with you and for activities to participate in.


If you are willing to volunteer please see the list of items we could use some help with below. The main theme of this movement is to spread the awareness of the tenets of The Zeitgeist Movement & The Venus Project. That being said we have attached fliers, Posters, handouts, etc… to the recent e-newsletter, please use them! Feel free to print them out, hang them around your neighborhood, and spread the word! The more people that get involved the quicker this transition will occur!

Volunteer list:
- Print out the posters that have been emailed out and hang them at your local coffee shops and community bulletin boards. Engage the public as to what Z-Day is!
- Print out the transition sheet & actions for social change sheet to add to the literature table on Z-Day.
- Burn DVDs of Zeitgeist Addendum & Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.
- Get to Z-Day Early (10ish) to help set up.
- Volunteer to help run one of the many booths.
- Have a presentation prepared of one of the Venus Project Tenets no more than ten minutes long (see attached tenet sheet).
- Have a “Why I advocate the Zeitgeist movement” presentation prepared (no more than 5 – 7 minutes).
- Tell all of your friends / family / co-workers about Z-Day.

If you have any questions about any of the above tasks or if you’re not on the email list please send us an email and let us know!

We have a meet-up account; if you’re registered with the site please become a member!

Also, if you’re not our friend on FB yet, please send an invite!

Can’t wait to see you this Saturday @ 12:00!

The SE MI Zeitgeist Movement Chapter
MI State site:
S.E. MI Chapter site:
Main Venus Project site:
Main TZM Site: (Activist arm of the Venus Project)
Meetings every first Sunday of every month at the Phoenix Café @ 12:30 PM
24918 John R Rd
Hazel Park, MI 48030
Don’t forget, Z-Day is March 12th from 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM @ the Phoenix Café!
Thursday, March 3, 2011

postheadericon March Update / Z-Day 2011!


For all of you that attended the Zeitgeist Moving Forward screening; thank you once again! For all of you that consistently show your support of The Movement in one way or another; thank you for all that you do! We have finally inputted all of the email addresses that we gathered from the last few meetings and the ZMF screening. The March newsletter went out last night with the Z-Day fliers and "how to create your own chapter" guidelines attached. If you are not on the local chapter's e-newsletter list please send an email to and request that you be added.

The next event that our chapter is hosting is Z-Day, Saturday March 12th, 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM (ET) at the Phoenix Café (address below). The event will start with a reception from 12 - 1; we will then give a brief overview of the day’s activities and agenda. There will be pleanty to do and see, you will not leave empty handed or empty minded!

We have created fliers for the event, please send an email to to get copies sent to you! We need to get these up anywhere and everywhere! If you don’t like the fliers provided, please feel free to get creative and make your own (please email to us for approval prior to posting) and get it out there!

The next meeting is this Sunday (as always the first Sunday of the month) at the Phoenix Café @ 12:30 PM. We will be discussing Z-Day and Z-Day related initiatives. After the meeting we will then form teams to canvas the streets of the surrounding cities to post the attached fliers and to get the word out.

Please let us know via email if you have any thoughts about Z-Day and what you would include if you were personally hosting the event. Did you come last year, what did you like / dislike?

On another note; a major initiative that we are promoting to the members of the movement is to “Start Your Own Local Chapter”! We have created a sheet that describes the process of starting your own chapter, please let us know if you'd like this emailed to you. We look forward to helping you if you are at all interested in creating a local chapter in your area if there already isn’t one. Our goal is to eventually have a chapter in every city in MI! Please email with any questions!

We hope to see you this Sunday at the meeting and next Saturday at Z-Day!


The Zeitgeist Movementm SE MI Chapter
MI State site:
S.E. MI Chapter site:
Main Venus Project site:
Main TZM Site: (Activist arm of the Venus Project)
Meetings every first Sunday of every month at the Phoenix Café @ 12:30 PM
24918 John R Rd
Hazel Park, MI 48030
(On John R., just south of Ten Mile, please park in back)
Don’t forget, Z-Day is March 12th from 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM @ the Phoenix Café!